For Laura’s project, “A Trip Through My Eyes

I had this view all to myself for about an hour and a half a couple of days ago. 

With 17 million acres covered with a trillion trees and comprised of 108 different species, Pennsylvania comes alive with vibrant color every fall. Throw in a myriad of shrubs, weeds and brush and the fall colors break out with oranges, reds, yellows and browns along with the greens from evergreen trees.

As much as I love black and white photography, it never seems to do fall justice. Fall is probably my favorite season and even I can’t resist shooting it in color.

This is a tiny little piece of my city, Scranton PA, for Laura’s Sunday project, “A trip through my eyes.” 

This doesn’t exactly define Scranton as there are many places like this in many cities and towns but the Backyard Ale House is a little slice of heaven here for me. See, I love beer. All kinds of beer (except fruit flavored beer, if I want fruit I’ll eat a peach, please keep it out of my beer). Bocks, IPA’s, märzen, stout, Belgian ales…….I love to try them all.

The Ale House has helped me to sample over 400 different beers from all over the world. That may be a small sampling from the thousands and thousands of breweries in the world but it’s a start. So much beer, so little time. Oh, I also like Irish whiskey and Tequila from time to time, that would be the reason for the bottom image. 😉